Wednesday, August 31, 2011


This girl got her ears pierced this summer!!
We usually do ear piercing for the 7th birthday, but the girls...all of them...were begging and begging for me to let Emily do it now. Emily is not at all good with pain so I thought if she is begging now I figured I'd better get it done before she gets herself too worked up and scared to do it. We are all glad that Dad was good with it too. Emily did great...just flinched a little and we also realized that doing it during a relaxing day in the summer will be much better than being in the mall the 1st part of December/Christmas season!

Oh...and one more stipulation! I told the girls that I do NOT want to hear about this 20 years from now. Anyone with siblings understands this one right?! "Mom was so much more lenient with the younger ones. She let Emily get her ears pierced before she turned 7!" It is written here! They ALL begged and begged! :)

I have really missed Emily this school year! She is gone all day and I miss the fun things we would do together and of course wish that we had done more! I really miss seeing that sweet smile over top of the Guess Who board! She has transitioned amazingly into being gone all day! She is a hard worker and wants to make her teacher happy so I know she will do great!

We miss you Emily Lynne! We love you beautiful girl!

1 comment:

Meggen said...

Such a brave, cute girl!