Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another weekend in Wyoming

3 weekends in a row to Wyoming! It was a lot of travelling, but a lot of fun! We knew Matt needed to do some work in Laramie soon and since the girls had Thursday and Friday off for fall break it just made sense for us all to go together even though we had just been there for Homecoming. It probably would've made more sense to have just stayed longer the first time and have the girls miss some school, but it all worked out. (and the weather was great for travelling!)

The girls had drug free week for the 3 days before fall break. On Tuesday they had to wear a shirt from their favorite sports team! I was thinking they would wear their soccer jerseys, but Grandpa has taught them well! (sorry Dad for almost messing that one up) ;)

Then...what kid wouldn't want to go to school in pjs for their birthday?! It was PJ day and crazy hair day on Wednesday which worked out perfect for picking girls up from school and driving 'till late at night. Kaylee had a great birthday getting to celebrate at home before school and then at Grandma and Grandpa Hoopes' late at night! Her class at school treated her well too writing notes to her in a book and giving her a crown. She had a blast!

We went an hour further east this time to visit Matt's sister in Cheyenne! The kids had so much fun with their cousins! It was great to visit them. We definitely need to get there more often!

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