Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Gardner family!

A Merry Christmas Song from the Gardner Family
(to be sung to the tune Ragtime Cowboy Joe)

(many MANY apologies to those of you that do not know THIS tune)

We always sing
Bedtime music to the girlies that we bring
Back and forth across Wyoming
In our van, a pretty good van,
Got a Dad who does computer
And a Mom who is the tutor
To 4 girls who just get cuter
And they run (yes they run)
To gymnastics church and choir
And we all want you to know
We are loving life in Lehi, Utah
"Son of a gun" we miss you all but
Merry Christmas!
"Talk about your" Christmas!
Merry Christmas ALL!
G…A…R…D…N…..ok ok we’ll stop now!


Heather said...

Thanks for posting the link to the song! The lyrics make a lot more sense now...

And the photographer who took your pictures is amazing! I love love love all of the pictures of your girls that were on her blog.

Ginger said...

You're song is AWESOME! Great job writing the words, they really fit!

And I love the snow pictures. I wish we had the snow instead of the ice around here. We got the kids new coats and snowpants for Christmas, so the snow would be so welcome.

Linda said...

Yaaayyy!!! Now I can keep up on your cute fam through your blog! Your girls are all absolutely beautiful! They have grown up so much. I am glad you guys are all doing so well! Keep in touch!

nathansara said...

Cute picture. we saw this at Nathan's parents house. Love it. Hope your Christmas was a great.