Who knew?! The wind doesn't always blow after a snow storm?! I remember at DJs wedding in Logan seeing the trees with the snow still on them and thinking how beautiful that was and now we have that here! Actually, I do remember driving on 15th in Laramie and it looking like a magical fairyland with the trees covered in snow. Monday was such a beautiful snow storm and the girls--well mostly Kaylee--have had fun playing in it ever since. (Kierra lasted about a minute) We have the best neighbors ever! I didn't take any pictures of some of the older neighbor kids helping me shovel and showing Kaylee and Taylor how to make snow forts. They were so fun! Then some other friends came around the corner on their four wheeler wanting to take the girls around on the tubes! And now Daddy is home!! Yeah!! He and Kaylee have been working on their snow fort in the backyard. It is actually built around the picnic table. Kaylee is in heaven!! Merry Christmas and happy shoveling!!
Sugar cookies
1 month ago
I'm glad you're enjoying your snow there -- I'm enjoying my dry ground here. :) Merry Christmas!
Nice work Kaylee!!! Hope you don't have to dig your way to your fort after the next storm!
Merry Christmas!
Looks like fun. Hope you had a great Christmas!
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