Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Gardners ARE Gardeners!

This title is actually referring to THIS title I had a couple of summers ago. My Mom always has a beautiful yard and spent a TON of time moving sprinklers and making it look nice. Somehow I missed the gardening skill and you would think that marrying into the "Gardner" family might help that. I'm getting better with the flowers and bulb thing but I have been very excited about Matt taking over the vegetables. He has done an amazing job with his square foot garden. Last summer he started reading up on it and building boxes and now you can see where it has gone. We especially love the peas and lettuce for salads every night! Now the beans, tomatoes and squash are about ready. It is very fun!
Our other big project that we started last spring was getting rid of the big rectangle of rock where our swing set usually was. It just always looked nasty and constantly had weeds in it. I have wanted grass back there forever. Yes, Matt will tell you I thought it was going to be a lot simpler of a project than it was. Really, how hard can moving rock be? It ended up being sooooo much rock. We (yes WE) shoveled it to the back and sides of the yard. Of course Matt did the most, but I did a good share of filling and pushing that wheel barrow too. I do appreciate all that Matt did with this project. It involved a lot more than I thought...especially if it was to be done right and looking nice. Matt built a retaining wall across the back and had to redo the sprinklers, then we had some awesome friends come help us put in the sod and there you have it. Our backyard is so green and relaxing! I LOVE it!! Thank you Mr. "Gardner"! I LOVE YOU!!

Before and After

1 comment:

Brad and Hailey said...

Wow look at that garden! Super impressive!!