I WISH!! That was a quote I saw to describe why Labor Day was first started in New York back in 1882. Well, instead Matt and I have spent our whole weekend "vacation" trying to get this basement done. So, while my parents and Dale are in Denver at a Rockies game, and while the rest of the world celebrates on a lake or at Disneyland, we are painting doors and laying tile. Just when I think we are cruising along real good, I realize that finishing the basement isn't just floors and paint. You mean the doors don't just come painted and with the perfect doorknobs to match the rest of the house? Okay, I'm really not that dumb, it is just that I keep forgetting about all of the little details that go into this. Wow, 6 doors and a closet (2 smaller doors). That is too many doors for this little area that we are doing. I'd better get back to it though. I have only the 2nd coat of the 2nd side of each door left to do.
These next pictures show exactly what it is we are doing. 3 bedrooms were already finished down here when we moved in. Then we are finishing another little bedroom/office. I kinda took over Matt's office upstairs with all my craft stuff, so I'll probably LET him have this room. It is all our friend Nate's fault for giving Matt the idea of a man cave. ;) Then there will be the bathroom and family room.
So here is what it looked like last week before we started painting and tiling. I am standing in a doorway that will close off the basement from the upstairs. Behind me are the girls' two rooms and then here is Matt's cave.
To the left of the cave is the bathroom that has a door separating the tub and toilet from the two vanities. (because we love extra doors!)
And then here is the family room. To the left of the cd player is the toy room (already finished) and in the far corner is the door to the food storage room and the door to the backyard. Can you tell I'm sick of the doors?! It reminds me of this song (click here) I wish I had a Centennial Singer video of it. Well, Matt's lunch break wasn't as long as mine. He is down there working hard, so off I go.
Sugar cookies
2 weeks ago
LOOKS GREAT! I would have loved to have been working on a basement all day! However our outdoor work keeps calling us, even if it is 42 degrees out! I love the pictures. Great job!
It is funny that she asked that because the other day I was at the store, and some lady asked if they were twins.LOL:)
You should do a blog about how you didn't like having my guitar and stuff in the "Office closet" so I had to put it in my clothes closet. So all I have is a little tiny space in the house for my stuff. :)
when you get bored, head over here and you can do some honey-dews at our house too!
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