Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Pink or Blue?


Are you in shock too?!
I believe my text to friends and family said something like bows and pink dresses? Dress ups and barbies? What will we do with a boy?
I have gone through many emotions over this! 5 girls not only sounded fun, but it was just what we were planning on because what else would a family with 4 girls expect? We picked Kaylee up from school, had Grandpa H with us (he had come to visit for a couple of days) went to the Dr.'s office and then we were going to leave for Wyoming right after. The day was planned out perfect with no thought of a surprise like this.
I have been in complete shock. We are all so excited!! It has just taken me a while to get used to the idea of having a little boy around and having to put away the pink. So far this boy has not even a hint of a name, some white onesies, some Wyoming Cowboy gear that looks good on boys and girls!, and this one sports jacket that we got yesterday from an awesome friend that knew I needed something to get me started! Now I'm ready to shop! (Thanks again Julie!!)
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So, what else have we been up to?
I'm so sorry I haven't been very good at blogging this last month.
Here is February at the Gardner home:
Valentine's Day!
We had all been sick this week and so wondered if we'd even make it out of the house. The girls were able to get their Valentine's out and make it to their class parties. Friday I finally started feeling better and when a friend told me she and her Valentine were going to Olive Garden for lunch my pregnant self went back into craving mode, called a babysitter and told my Valentine that we were going to Olive Garden for dinner. I'd ask Camille if she was jealous, but I'm sure she did the same!
Then for Valentine's Day we took the girls out--their choice!
WINGERS of course!
(They must take after Grandma and Grandpa G. because the next Monday when they came to visit that was their choice for lunch! 3 meals out in 3 days! What more could a pregnant lady--who finally had an appetite again--ask for?!)

February 19, 2009
What a special day! The girls were so great! We had so much fun. The first 2 pictures are of us sitting in the mock bus that was set up in a church close to the temple. We watched a short video and waited there until they shuttled us to the temple where they dropped us off at heated tents that led into the temple. As we walked into the temple with our 4 beautiful girls I couldn't believe the overwhelming love I had for them and the importance of the temple. The girls loved the baptismal font, as I think I've heard every kid say, but their other favorite part was the mirrors in the sealing rooms. They knew the importance of being able to see forever. What a peaceful feeling to know that we are an eternal family. We will be together forever!

(We had to go back and forth in the shuttles so we weren't able to stop and get a good picture of the temple. We'll have to go back another time and get pictures with the girls in front of it.)

Like I said, right after the ultrasound on Friday we left for Wyoming. It seems like last year we didn't get to go to Wyoming much at all, but wow! We have made the 12 hour round trip once a month since November (or maybe October--when was homecoming?) This time was just as fun as all the others. Of course we took in a great Cowgirl game!! It was so fun to count down the points as the Wyoming Native reached the 1000 point mark! (Sorry DeeDee for screaming into the phone :) ).
After the game we had a great dinner with all of my family and some of my brother-in-law's family. According to Taylor (well, according to all of us), "Grandma makes the best lasagna in the world!".
Sunday we got to see my little sister's baby boy get blessed. Isn't he too cute in his suit and Boutonniere. I already have one ordered for my boy! We also had a birthday party for my Dad and sister, which Matt slept right through!

It was a good thing Matt had such a "sweet" nap because it was a long, late drive home. On our way home we found out that my sister-in-law had her baby. So after holding my new niece and nephew and seeing Matt and the girls with those sweet babies, I am SO very excited to bring our little boy home!


garddawg said...

Great Post. Oh and I am so excited for a boy.

Michelle said...

wow, Kandice, a boy! I can't believe it either. I know you guys will do a boy right, don't worry. and dressing up in princess clothes never did anyone any harm anyway. :)

most of all, I'm of course happy that things are WELL and he's HEALTHY and you're HAPPY. couldn't be more pleased. cnograts. :)

Michelle said...

i meant congrats of course.

Samantha said...

YAY for boys!!! You will do great with a boy and your girls will just love him! Congratulations! Super excited for you!

Kimberly said...

Wow, Kandice!! I'm so excited for your little boy! That's great! Sounds like you guys are doing great!!

Carrie said...

How exciting to have a boy. I only have two girls, and I often think "what would we do with a boy?" What a lucky little boy to be in your family, and to have all those sisters to love him.

Wastlund Family said...

Congratulations!!! You have a big few weeks. Nice to hear from you again!

Camille said...

Wow! Which to comment on first... the Olive Garden or the baby boy... Hmm... CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are going to LOVE having a boy! I'd say you can name him after me, but I don't know any boys named Camille. James is a good name... Or Cameron, Micah, Ammon, Ethan, Ian, Jamey, or Teancum. There's some choices for ya. You went to the OG without me? Oh well, there's always next time. :)

Krith said...

Kandice, CONGRATS on the boy!!! As a mother of all boys, of course I am biased, but boys are great and your family will have so much fun with him! I hope you are feeling well!!! We're really happy for you guys.

laura said...

congratulations on getting a boy!! get ready to put your running shoes on.

Linda said...

Congrats!! I am so excited for you guys! Boys are GREAT!! We have lots of "blue" in this house and I love every minute of it! Your girls are going to be the best sisters ever, he is going to be so loved.

Our Little Family said...

I am so happy. When I got the text from Matt, I was so shocked! I think it is so great! Love you guys!!! Congratulations!!!!

Jill said...

Congratulations! He will be so lucky to grow up with all those sisters! Good luck with names-we always struggle with those too.

Sharon said...

Kandice--your girls are gorgeous and I'm sure they will LOVE having a baby brother! I hope everything goes well.

nathansara said...

YIPPIE!. I am so excited for you guys. I will let Nathan know that someone in his family has broken the all girl record it will bring him some hope. :) take care and again Congrats!

Brad and Hailey said...

Yay! Congrats on the boy! That is so exciting! I'm exciting to find out more what's going on with your family!

Katie and the Boys said...

A BOY A BOY A BOY! Yippie! Of course I have to say this, but Boys are the Best! :) Really tho, your girls are going to love it. :)

Theturnerfamily5 said...

Congrats, I am so excited that you will be having a boy. It gives me hope that we might one day have a girl!