Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Daddy Daughter Date

I'm not sure who told the story or if I have the story completely right, but I remember someone telling the story of a father in a hospital with his brand new baby boy.  The big sister was also there and a nurse or a friend or someone came to admire the little boy and said, " you have your hunting and fishing buddy!"  The person who told me the story told of how defeated the look on the little girl's face was.  I don't know if I have the story completely right, but either way...I think of it often as I have the best husband in the world.  He is the best daddy of little girls (and little boys)!  I am so thankful that his daddy daughter dates consist of ice creams, games AND roughin' it!!  :) 

The girls have been looking forward to this backpacking trip for such a long time!  Summer was quickly coming to an end and they had one weekend left to get it in.  Emily was a little too nervous to go this time around, but once the girls came home and told her how awesome it was she knows she'll go with them next year!!

They are the cutest!  I couldn't believe how heavy the packs looked...but I guess they weren't too bad!
They really just did have such a relaxing time!  The weather was perfect!  I LOVE the pictures Matt got!  I think this was Taylor's balance beam!  I love the pictures of the girls just walking.  So cute!
Great memories for these two girls! :)

Kaylee might have been slightly grossed out about killing and gutting a fish!  They caught 7 and had some for dinner that night!  The girls said it was yummy!  They weren't huge fans of the dehydrated egg breakfasts (who is really??), but otherwise they ate great and had a blast!
They slept pretty good...although Taylor says their feet were above their heads so they ended up at the top of the tent.  They backpacked out and of course had to stop off at Dairy Keen!  I'm glad that they had such a great time and have something to look forward to again next summer! Matt says our stake president told him he needs to do stuff like this more his priesthood leader told him so...  :)  I think the girls are looking forward to it just as much!  If not more! 

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