Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mug Shots

The girls have been wanting and needing haircuts for a long time. I wish they didn't want to cut it so short, but I was more okay with it now than I have been in the past, just because I know how fast it does grow back, and it will be much easier to take care of. In fact, we did it before Grandma came to take care of them so that she wouldn't have to deal with the hair. I think we'll miss doing some of the cooly hairstyles from our favorite website, but we have 9:00 church these days and there is still plenty we can do with short hair!

Taylor inspired the title for this post! Don't you just love her mug shot?! Actually, everyone just rolled out of bed for these pictures and we took Emily's hair out of braids, so they all look a little crazy in the before picture! But the afters look fabulous! It's not too hard though to make these smiley faces beautiful! :)

The girls had fun being pampered!

Maybe we should've tried to grow it out longer to donate it. Oh well, it's done...maybe next time! :)


Marsha said...

CUTE!!! We LOVE Short hair in this house! Mainly because my girls have such thick curls that make it hard to comb. Olivia won't give it up yet and cut it short, but she's really good about doing her own hair.

Heather said...

I love the mug shots! And you are right - your girls are so gorgeous that their pictures always look amazing.

Wastlund Family said...

AHHHH! I could never cut that much hair off. I have long hair sydrome because I can't grow mine long, and my daughters don't get hait until their 3. Even then they always get a hold of the scissors and cut it all off.

You are a brave mother!:) I do love the haircuts though.

AliandT said...

WOW!!!! 5 haircuts at once that's impressive

sanaejames photography said...

I love all their new haircuts!:)